Wicklow to open Irish season tournaments and events
IRELAND’S only all weather, year-round polo centre will open the new season this May (Friday 17th-Sunday 19th) when Polo Wicklow hosts the USA team and the Polo Ireland Awards along with novice teams in a 0-goal tournament.
The USA will face Ireland over the weekend, the opening match to take place on Saturday (18th May) followed by the awards in the clubhouse at Polo Wicklow. Beginner teams in for the Novice Cup have been in training ahead of their match in the arena on Friday (17th May) while the 0-goal is tournament scheduled for Saturday and Sunday.

Polo Wicklow will host the opening tournaments of the 2024 season in the all weather arena and the grass field.

Training Award recipient Kristina White at the 2022 awards ceremony, presented by James Kennedy of the IPF.
Training and education along with season tournaments and events across the island of Ireland are supported by the Irish Polo Foundation (IPF) which is endorsed by the Federation of International Polo (FIP). The IPF polo development platform can be found at https://irishpolofoundation.polo-development.com/

The 2024 season will open with the Novice Cup in the arena at Polo Wicklow.
Article by Kim Mullahey
Image credits: Kim Mullahey, Polo Wicklow
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